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#1 10 paź 2023, 09:40

Posty: 3
Dołączył: 10 Oct 2023

Mmoexp FUT 24:To truly excel in passing

Passing is a fundamental aspect of football, and in the virtual world of FC24, it holds the key to unlocking success on the pitch. While many players may focus on dribbling skills or shooting accuracy, mastering passing techniques can elevate your gameplay to new heights. In this article, we will explore the most effective passing tricks in FC24, providing you with the tools to dominate your opponents.

The Long Ball Pass: Unstoppable Precision

One passing technique that reigns supreme in FC24 is the Long Ball Pass. This pass is incredibly overpowered, allowing you to effortlessly bypass defenders and create scoring opportunities. To execute the Long Ball Pass, you need a player with the Long Ball play style trait.

The beauty of this pass lies in its effectiveness, even when faced with tight marking. Defenders often struggle to intercept it, making it a game-changing weapon in your arsenal. By observing the radar and identifying your players' positioning, you can trigger the Long Ball Pass by pressing L1 and Triangle simultaneously. Three to four bars of power are usually sufficient to launch the ball perfectly into space, leaving your opponents helpless.

Exploiting Space with High Tempo Passing

In FC24, exploiting space is crucial, and high-tempo passing is the perfect tool to achieve this. By using players with the Long Ball play style, you can swiftly switch the ball across the pitch, devastating your opponents' defense. The combination of L1 and Triangle passes, executed quickly and precisely, can create devastating attacks.

Additionally, the Tick Tack play style complements high-tempo passing, amplifying its effectiveness. First-time passes, characterized by their speed and accuracy, become incredibly powerful when combined with quick decision-making. By evaluating your options swiftly and delivering these quick passes, you can catch your opponents off guard and create scoring opportunities.

The Whipped Pass: Precision and Power

Another passing technique that deserves attention in FC24 is the Whipped Pass. Executed by players with the Whipped play style trait, this pass adds a unique dimension to your attacking play. While primarily used for crossing, the Whipped Pass can also act as a devastating through ball, creating scoring opportunities for your team.

To execute the Whipped Pass, hold L1 and Square simultaneously. The result is a pass with both power and precision, capable of splitting the defense and putting your attacking players in prime positions to score.

Mastering Passing Ground Rules

To truly excel in passing, it is essential to understand and adhere to some ground rules. These principles will help you enhance your passing accuracy and effectiveness:

Face the direction of your pass: Always ensure that you are facing the direction you intend to pass the ball. This simple rule ensures smoother passing and minimizes errors.

Play in patterns and triangles: By creating passing patterns and utilizing triangular passing movements, you can enhance the fluidity and accuracy of your passes. This strategy also opens up space and provides more options for your team.

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Exploit space: Constantly assess the field and identify spaces where your players can receive the ball. By exploiting these openings, you can create advantageous situations for your team.

Maintain an angle: When executing passes, try to position your player at an angle that optimizes the pass's power and accuracy. Utilizing ball rolls or other skill moves can help you achieve this optimal angle.

By adhering to these ground rules, your passing game will reach new heights, allowing you to dictate the flow of the game and outsmart your opponents.

Mastering passing techniques in FC24 is a game-changing skill that can elevate your gameplay to new levels. By harnessing the power of the Long Ball Pass, exploiting space with high-tempo passing, and utilizing the precision of the Whipped Pass, you will unlock the full potential of your team's attacking prowess. Remember to follow the ground rules of passing, maintaining direction, patterns, and angles, to ensure your passing game becomes a force to be reckoned with. So, step onto the virtual pitch, implement these passing tricks, and watch your team dominate in FC24.



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